Lawn Care Specialists Classic 5-Service Program
- Spring Application
– Liquid fertilizer blended for quick green-up with potash to get your lawn off to the right start. A pre-emergent crabgrass
control barrier is applied with treatment.
- Early-Summer
Application – Liquid fertilizer application with broadleaf weed control for early dandelions and other broadleaf weeds.
- Late-Summer Application – Liquid fertilizer
blended for gentle summer feeding. Broadleaf weed control is added for dandelions and late-summer annual weeds such as spurge,
purslane and oxalis.
- Fall Application –
Liquid fertilizer with potash added for root building and cool-season hardiness. Broadleaf weed control added for cool-season
broadleaf weeds as weather permits.
- Core Aeration
– The pulling of small plugs of soil and thatch from the lawn by a special machine. Coring promotes vertical root growth;
thatch decomposition; compaction relief; better penetration of air, water and fertilizer to the root zone; proper soil bacteria
distribution and activity; and a vigorous, healthy root system. Done as a spring, summer or fall service (depending on route
Optional – Customer can replace Lawn Core Aeration with a Dormant Winter Fertilizer Application.
- Dormant Winter Application – A dry, granular
application of high-nitrogen fertilizer to your lawn. This application is done just as your lawn is going dormant for the
winter. This treatment benefits your turf in several ways: increased winter hardiness, increased root system density, earlier
green-up in the spring, and reduced incidence of spring diseases and winter injury.